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Scottish Literary Maga(zines) Workshop In-Person

The small press magazine has thrived in Scottish literature throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries – from the transatlantic Object Permanence magazine to Painted, spoken and the ever-popular Gutter mag. While the form of these magazines is often accessible and affordable, the limited print runs of such publications means they often shy away from staying in print and mainstream circulation. Strathclyde’s Library, Archives and Special Collections are home to a rich selection of small press pamphlets and literary magazines, many of them edited and published by Scottish writers. In this workshop, open to all staff and students, we will learn about the history of the literary magazine (in Scotland and beyond) as well as its role in the contemporary publishing landscape. Examples of such publications will be provided for you to explore in the workshop. Participants will also have a chance to create their own mini magazine (or zine) in a guided session with library staff. Be prepared to explore decades of poetry, fiction and nonfiction, design, illustration and editorial intrigue! 

Materials will be provided.  

Related LibGuide: English Studies and Creative Writing by Sarah Kevill

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Library Seminar Room 5
  All Welcome  
  Events and displays     In-person class  

Registration is required. There are 8 seats available.

Dr Eleanor Bell is Senior Lecturer in Scottish Literature in the Dept of Humanities. She is currently writing a monograph on Scottish literary magazines, 1950-1990 for Edinburgh University Press and is co-editor (with Scott Hames and Malcolm Petrie) of the forthcoming Scottish Magazines and Political Culture 1968-99: From Scottish International to the Scottish Parliament (also EUP). 

Dr Maria Sledmere is a Lecturer in English & Creative Writing at Strathclyde and runs the post-internet poetry publisher SPAM Press. Their latest book, Midsummer Song (Hypercritique) (2024) is an experimental almanack of ecological enquiry in times of crisis.  

Sarah Kevill is the Faculty Librarian for the Department of Humanities at the University of Strathclyde.  

The Library’s Zine Team is made up of colleagues from across a range of different library teams. Vikki, Briony and Jess have delivered several zine making workshop for staff and students. 

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Sarah Kevill
Sarah Kevill